Happy New Year! Residents welcomed 2024 with party poppers, a little bubbly and a lot of good cheer.
It was cold, but Decatur House was warm, as always. Residents enjoyed everything from fun musical performances by Julie Charland and Brian Hill, to relaxing Reiki services provided by Susan Lee Nolan.
Other activities included a presentation from the Council on Aging, whereby residents learned about the new Sandwich Center for Active Living and were invited to visit and partake in the activities.
This month residents painted a beautiful winter landscape with Artist Leonie and made winter-themed crafts. They watched a documentary on Martin Luther King Jr. and had a light discussion about this event in time. Residents all applauded MLK for his bravery, courage, and kindness to all people.
The residents also enjoyed morning workouts with drum fit, yoga, and Tai Chi, to name just a few. They also appreciated some great movies this month including: Bob Ross the Happy Painter, Grease, On Golden Pond, and Cheaper by the Dozen.
Of course, they also played a lot of games. Bingo is still the crowd favorite. Residents are always very excited to win and shout out BINGO!